Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Best Reason Ever Given to Breastfeed

My middle child just turned three and so I find myself, once again, nursing a pre-schooler. Which can make a lady feel a wee bit squeemy if she thinks about it too hard which I tend to do. So I'm glad I had this conversation with the little guy in which he cleared everything up:

He said: 
"I need Mommy num-nums."

I said: 
"I know you want num-nums, and I know you really like num-nums but maybe you don't need num-nums, now that you're such a big boy. Tell you what: you lie down in your bed and I'll go upstairs and tuck your baby sister in, and then I'll come back in 10 minutes to check on you, and if you still feel like you need num-nums you can have some in 10 minutes.

He said: 
"Oh, I will need Mommy num-nums in 10 minutes."

I said: 
"You will?"

He said: 
"Yes, Mommy. Because I am a mammal."


  1. Tell your little boy thanks, he's made my day.

  2. Smart boy! I wish it were that simple for everyone!

  3. love it! I try to use this tact with my 4 y.o. too...and he continues to tell me he NEEDS mamamilk. So we keep on. :)

  4. My nurser will be three later this month. Can't wait for the boobie convos lol

  5. If you like that, check out this essay by Chris Mulford, “It’s Great to Be a Mammal.” This I Believe Essay, Feb 24, 2009. http://thisibelieve.org/essay/60358/ . Chris was a long-time breastfeeding advocate who died suddenly on August 23, 2011.

  6. AMAZING!!

    I have a linkup for natural parenting and green living posts today if you would like to link up :-) http://www.ithoughtiknewmama.com/2011/09/green-natural-mamas-thursday-linkup-plus-3-ways-to-be-a-mama-activist/

  7. Smiling right now. :) Thanks for sharing that.

  8. That is AWESOME. Mikko is just as insistent if not quite as scientific in his reasoning.

  9. :) I love when the preschooler's bust out science.

  10. This totally made my day. Love it. :)


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